Dekadenz & Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige
LIVE STREAM AUS DEM KELLER: Lucia Cadotsch / Kit Downes / Ruth Goller (CH, GB, IT)
World renowned singer Lucia Cadotsch meets UK-based ECM recording artist Kit Downes and celebrated South-Tyrolean bassist Ruth Goller to explore their mutual love of undiscovered song in intimate chamber contexts. Building on their previous work together in Speak Low (with Kit as a guest), they now form this unique trio with Ruth featuring songs well known and yet to be discovered, as well as some beguiling originals composed by all three musicians.
Die international bekannte Sängerin Lucia Cadotsch trifft auf den britischen Musiker Kit Downes und die Südtiroler Bassistin Ruth Goller. Miteinander erkunden sie in inniger Atmosphäre ihre Leidenschaft für unentdeckte Songs. Anknüpfend an die frühere Zusammenarbeit in "Speak Low" (mit Kit als Gastmusiker), bilden sie nun mit Ruth dieses neue und einzigartige Trio. Auf dem Programm stehen bekannte und weniger bekannte Stücke sowie einige betörende Originale, welche die drei Musiker*innen selbst komponiert haben.
La cantante di fama internazionale Lucia Cadotsch incontra il musicista britannico Kit Downes e la bassista altoatesina Ruth Goller. Insieme creano un'atmosfera intima e
cameristica dove esplorano la loro comune passione per musiche poco conosciute. Ispirati dalla loro precedente collaborazione in "Speak Low" (con Kit come musicista ospite), uniscono ora le forze a quelle di Ruth per formare questo nuovo ed unico trio. Il programma include brani noti e meno noti, nonché alcune accattivanti composizioni originali composte dai tre musicist*.
Vocals: Lucia Cardotsch
Piano: Kit Downes
Bass: Ruth Goller
Streaming: Ivan Poletti, Elias Gamper